The Beauty in Transparency

The Beauty in Transparency

I’ve learned the beauty in being transparent; with yourself, with others, and with God.

I’ve been wearing make-up and I can catch myself wanting to cover that imperfection and being consumed that it is being exposed. I know I can wear make-up but I have to catch myself and check my motives. Am I wearing this because it compliments me or because it hides me? Am I wearing this because I just simply am or am I wearing this because I think I’m hot stuff? I love how God has used make-up to be such an analogy in my life. God looks at the heart; he looks at your motives. He wants you to be real with him, inviting him into the darkest areas of your life, so he can shine his light in you and through you; transforming you and revealing his glory. When you’re transparent with God you become radiant and shameless. God doesn’t want a casual acquaintance- he desires something so much more- he desires a relationship that absolutely consumes you. He wants you to go boldly to the throne of grace, being completely and utterly transparent, so that you can be made new, made whole, and made holy.

Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame. Psalm 34:5


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