Pt. 2

"Refusing to act leaves a person paralyzed, exactly where he was previously. But once he acts, he is never the same. Once I press myself into action, I immediately begin to live. Anything less is merely existing. The moments I truly live are the moments when I act with my entire will." -Oswald Chambers

How can I be the same? How can I be the same from yesterday? If I wore the same thing every day, if I had the same conversation day after day, if I stayed in the same place as I did yesterday... Life would get boring and I would lose my sanity. I can’t imagine not meeting certain people because of the impact they’ve had on me. You see change is constant and it is necessary (more necessary than we know). So many of us get comfortable in one place, in a relationship, in a job, or even in our behavior; and if we are not careful we become complacent, staggered, and paralyzed. No one truly wants the past to be our “glory days”. No one wants to be defined by what we once were. Or even just by potential. When you move- you live. I’ve recently learned the urgency of moving forward. I have a tendency of chewing when I should be swallowing- and quite honestly you have to get to a point and be done chewing. There is urgency in moving forward and learning what you need to learn but learning it quick- you must get back in the game. Getting to a place where enough is enough; making a choice to live accordingly. The thing is… you have to make the choice daily; you must act with your entire being and be all in. There is nothing more powerful than being fully alive and that’s exactly what this world needs.


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